International Symposium New Metropolitan Perspective-NMP 2022
25-27 May 2022 Reggio Calabria, Italy
The New Metropolitan Perspective International Symposium 5th edition is promoted by the LaborEst, PAU Department, Università Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy, in partnership with a qualified international network of academic institutions and scientific societies.
The Symposium is supported by the CLUDs Laboratory of the PAU Department with the synergic cross-linked research projects TREnD (Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development) and ZES (opportunity Zones for innovation EcosystemS governance) funded by the European Horizon2020 Program under the Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions – RISE and IF, and SOUND (Smart Open UrbaN- rural Data), funded by the Italian Ministry of Research under the PRIN Program.
Accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems – LNNS (2367-3370) by SPRINGER.
October 1st, 2021 Session submission deadline
November 28th, 2021 Paper submission deadline
February 6th, 2022 Notification to authors
February 17th, 2022 Author Registration deadline
May 25th-27th, 2022 Symposium
More info about the Symposium, the call for session and the call for paper visit are available at http://www.nmp.unirc.it

URED Seminar – Research and Territory
2° Seminar on the research activity of the PAU Department Laboratories
University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria
Dipartimento PAU Conference Room
Wednesday 27th of November 2019
The second Seminar on the research activity of the PAU Department Laboratories continues the series of six-monthly meetings aimed at the presentation and dissemination of research in progress or being implemented in the Laboratories of the Department.
The initiative aims at being an opportunity to spread the research activities being carried out within the Department and the academic community, also calling the external partners: Institutions, Entities, Companies, Associations, Freelancers, which through conventions, agreements and collaborations, contribute or can contribute to the performance of the planned activities with the Heads of the Laboratories and the members of the respective Scientific Councils.
The meeting also aims at pursuing new possible forms of collaboration with other research facilities of the University and with all institutional and non-institutional entities, which can make use of the services offered by the research laboratories in their multidisciplinary for a more widespread and effective cross-units cooperation, which the newly established Research Network of the University intends to promote and strengthen.

URED Seminar – Calabria meets California
12 May 2016, PAU Dept
Calabria meets California : Sharing urban regeneration practices
Shared class within the URED PhD Program on urban regeneration practices carried out in California (USA) with particular reference to the principles of sustainable urban design.

CLUDsLab – Welcome PAU – Laboratori Aperti
Reggio Calabria, IT – February 2016

13 January 2016, Reggio Calabria (IT)
Territorial Capital for Urban Regeneration and Economic Development
The Inauguration event of the URED Doctorate IV Cycle Academic Year was held at the
PAU Department (Mediterranean University) Wednesday 13 January 2016. The launch of the new Cycle of Doctorate represented the connection between the conclusion of the activities of the first cycle (2012-2015) and the beginning of the activities of the new PhD students of the IV Cycle coming from Italy, France, Russia and China for the period 2015-2018.