October 2022
The 3rd workshop of the SOUND project took place in Rome within the activities of the event “Patrimonio Culturale e Rigenerazione Urbana. Luoghi Materiali e Immateriali, tra storia, progetto e racconto”, promoted by the Department of “Pianificazione, Design, Tecnologia dell’Architettura (PDTA)” La Sapienza University on the 18-19-20 October 2022.
The event focused on the relationship between cultural heritage and urban regeneration centered on the exploitation of culture and of tangible and intangible values to drive urban regeneration in urban distressed areas.
The workshop saw the participation of academics, experts, and policymakers in the urban regeneration field that have provided interesting insights, experiences, and perspectives on the on-going mechanisms, projects, and synergies able to leverage the regeneration of urban distressed and marginalized areas for facilitating the envisaged just, green, and digital transition from a multi-disciplinary perspective in line with the SOUND project aims and research activities.
The 3rd SOUND workshop is one of the on-going research activities envisaged by the SOUND Research Projects funded by the Italian PRIN Research Program (2017).
more info about the event at: