September 2021
The results of the on-going research activities of the SOUND project have been presented at the XXXII AISRE (Associazione Italiana Scienze Regionali) Annual Scientific web-Conference “Territorial Challenges in the post-covid era” in the session Smart Open Urban-Rural Data session (SO.46) organized by Professor Vincenzo Provenzano.
The session grouped the contributions coming from the Research Units belonging to the SOUND Project network. The topics discussed and presented to the audience relates to: bottom-up engagement of community building processes, community-based urban regeneration, living labs place-based decision support systems, the role of financial instruments for the NGO sector and its role in Italy and southern Italian regions.
The contributions aims to disseminate the results of the on-going research activities envisaged by SOUND Research Projects funded by the Italian PRIN Research Program (2017).
more info about the conference at: